

Well trained and high motivated people who identify themselves with and are connected to the company for many years are the basis of the success of Modellbau Hermann Siegen.

Therefore Modellbau Hermann Siegen offers since 1919 apprenticeship to young people as

  • Technical Modelmaker and
  • Clerk

Technical Modelmaker

In the job description of the technical modelmaker several different application areas are united. It complies in all aspects with the requirements of a modern multifunctional trade with all chances and alternatives for the future.

A diversified creative work, which demands solid manual skills, despite of the employment of modern technologies, a distinctive feeling for dimensions and pleasure for the handling of different materials such as wood, plastic and metal.

Your apprenticeship should impart knowledge in the sectors of Model- and Mouldmaking, Tool- and Gagemaking aswell as the CAD-CAM-CAQ-Services so that you can be a part of the success of Modellbau Hermann Siegen.

Federal Technical College of Modelmaking

After your 3 1/2 years long lasting apprenticeship, which is accompanied by an additional training in the Federal Technical College of Modelmaking in Bad Wildungen, you should be able to engineer self-employed customer projects and design them on CAD-Systems.

You will apply on the basis of a wide-ranging technical education the latest CNC-Machines and control the quality of our products with high precision CNC-Measurement-Machines.

If we have aroused your interest to be a professional modelmaker with enthusiasm and engagement, we recommend you our Check for Apprenticeship Modelmaking before your application.

> FO-06-61 Ausbildung Modellbau Check.doc

Please add the filled Check for Apprenticeship Modelmaking to your application documents and send them by post or email to:

Hermann GmbH
Auf der Weiss 7
D-57074 Siegen

If we are interested we will invite you to a personal application- and consulting meeting. As the right choice of employment is for you and us a very important trend-setting decision, we will invite you in any case to a practical training.

Look ahead for your success with Modellbau Hermann Siegen!


The apprenticeship to a clerk includes office-management, book-keeping, economics and social studies. You will be educated in company organisation forms, functional relations and learn about practise related office-management, prepare and use statistics.

Within the business accountancy you will be informed about the controlling. You will prepare the payroll accounting and learn about the human resource management.

You prepare offers, order-confirmations, delivery-notes, invoices and organize the stock-holding. Verbal skills, the ability to cooperation, thinking in economical and technical connections, flexibility and preciseness, sense of responsibility as well as employee- and customer-oriented behaviour are necessary.

As a service provider in the automotive industries Modellbau Hermann Siegen applies modern means of communication to keep in contact to its customers and partners. During the 3-years-lasting apprenticeship you get a wide commercial professional competence for a good future.

If we have aroused your interest to be a professional clerk with enthusiasm and engagement, we recommend you our Check for Apprenticeship Clerk.

> FO-06-60 Ausbildung Bürokommunikation Check.doc

Please add the filled Check for Apprenticeship Clerk to your application documents and send them by post or email to:

Hermann GmbH
Auf der Weiss 7
D-57074 Siegen

If we are interested we will invite you to a personal application- and consulting meeting. As the right choice of employment is for you and for us very important trend-setting decision we will invite you in any case to a practical training.

Look ahead for your success with Modellbau Hermann Siegen.